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Medical Services

Results 1 - 7 of 7
  • Children and Adolescent Psychiatry

  • Consultation Liaison

    Psychiatric consultation throughout the University Hospital and Children's Hospital are performed by the Consultation/Liaison Psychiatry Division. The Division uses a humanistic, biopsychosocial appro...

  • e-Health Program

  • service location


  • Inpatient

    Inpatient Services Adult Inpatient Treatment Treatment is focused on reducing the patient's symptoms and moving the patient on to continuing outpatient care in the community. The multi-disciplinary t...

  • Outpatient

    Outpatient Clinic The Outpatient Clinic provides mental health services to residents of Westchester County and surrounding areas. Services include psychiatric evaluation, group, individual and family...

  • Psychiatric Emergency

    Adult Outpatient Treatment Adult outpatient treatment includes a full-range of services including group and individual psychotherapy, brief therapy, cognitive therapy, intensive long-term therapy and...